Astronomers have discovered extremely powerful winds pummeling the equator of WASP-127b, a giant exoplanet. Reaching speeds up to 33 000 km/h, the winds make up the fastest jetstream of its kind ever measured on a planet. The discovery was made using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT) in Chile and provides unique insights into the weather patterns of a distant world.
This artist’s visualisation of WASP-127b, a giant gas planet located about 520 light-years from Earth, shows its newly discovered supersonic jet winds that move around the planet’s equator. With a speed of 9 km per second (33 000 km/h), this is the fastest jetstream of its kind ever measured in the Universe. By tracking the speed of molecules in the atmosphere with the CRIRES+ instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope, researchers found that one side of the planet’s atmosphere is moving towards us and the other away from us. This indicates that there is a powerful wind current going around the planet – Crediti:ESO/L. Calçada